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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Battle of the Facial Moisturizers! CeraVe vs. Philosophy

A few weeks ago, I was on the verge of running out of one of my beauty staples: Philosophy's Hope in a Jar. It takes a lot to find a moisturizer that works with your skin type, especially when, like mine, your skin is prone to breakouts and other misbehaviors. (Sorry, skin. I know it's my fault somehow. If only you could speak, I'd fix whatever's wrong before it could get to you! But because you can't tell me what's up, I have to figure it out through trial and error.) Anyway, Hope in a Jar has been my miracle product ever since I discovered it a few years ago, so I get kind of antsy when the jar is almost empty. Usually, I restock well before I run out.

But not this time.

I don't know what was different a few weeks ago. Maybe I was just feeling adventurous. Maybe I've decided to be paranoid about parabens again. Maybe I just felt like trying to find out if I could get awesome results for less than $13.75 an ounce (or $30 an ounce if you use the price of the smallest jar o' hope). Whyever it was, instead of running out for another familiar little white jar, I went looking for an alternative. And that's how I came across this post from Her Campus: I can't believe it's not from Sephora: Top 5 drug store substitutes for your favorite high end products.

The very first thing on the list is Philosophy's Hope in a Jar. The suggested substitute is CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion PM. I'd never heard of CeraVe before — can you tell I don't do a lot of drug store makeup shopping these days? (I think I met and surpassed my whole life's drug store makeup quota when I was a teenager.) Like Hope in a Jar, the CeraVe lotion does contain parabens, but for the price, it seems worth a shot. So with a trip to my local Walgreens and $13.49 ($4.50 an ounce!) spent, my first beauty product battle is on!

It's been 10 days since I started using the CeraVe instead of my beloved Hope in a Jar. There was a definite, immediate, not-so-awesome difference in my skin, so I can't say the products work exactly the same way. They have different ingredients, though, so no shock there. While the Her Campus reviewer said the CeraVe actually outperformed(!) Hope in a Jar for her, so far it hasn't done that for me. When I use Hope in a Jar, I can keep up terrible sleeping habits and still wake up looking like I've had some sleep. (I know ... I shouldn't do that, but if the world were perfect, I wouldn't need Hope in a Jar to begin with!) If I don't get enough sleep while using the CeraVe, though, it shows in my skin texture. Although the two products both absorb quickly and I only need to use a little bit of each, the CeraVe doesn't immediately make my skin feel soft and refreshed, unlike Hope in a Jar. The most I can say is that it moisturizes right away. With the CeraVe, I'm also waking up with way more whiteheads, way more often, than I was with Hope in a Jar.

So ... so far, the products don't compare to each other at all, for me. However, I'm going to stick it out with the CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion PM until I run out, just to give it a fair trial and give my skin a chance to adjust to the new routine. Maybe after a whole bottle's worth I'll feel like the switch was worth it, after all — or maybe not. I'll check in again in another couple of weeks and let you know how things are going!


  1. Moisturizers are amazing as it keeps your skin fresh and not dry and makes you feel good. I would love to try this one too, thanks.

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